Justin Trudeau

Photos of protests around Canada

Palestine solidarity activists blockaded major arms manufacturing companies across Canada, reinforcing growing calls for an immediate embargo on the country's arms sales to Israel, reports Jeff Shantz.

A frontline against the Khalistan movement has become violently visible after it appears that Indian agents murdered a vocal supporter for an independent Sikh homeland. Binoy Kampmark reports. 

The far-right Freedom Convoy has been calling for PM Justin Trudeau to resign. Instead, Conservatives leader and convoy supporter Erin O’Toole has fallen, writes Jeff Shantz.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau challenged Donald Trump’s nationalism at the G7 summit in Québec last month, but that doesn’t mean he provides the alternative people and planet need, writes Todd Gordon.

One of the few talents Donald Trump has as a politician is to make others around him look far more attractive than they really are.

OK, it’s (almost) official. The zombie Trans-Pacific Partnership, widely criticised as a huge, undemocratic corporate power grab, has been restored to life

What’s the latest move and is it irreversible?

Veteran Canadian-based socialist and activist Ernie Tate has been writing to English group Left Unity on the struggles in Canada provoked by the rise of Donald Trump south of the border.

A lifelong revolutionary who migrated to Canada from Northern Ireland as a young man, Tate was one of the most important activists of the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign in the 1960s and has recently produced a two volume memoir, Revolutionary Activism of the 1950s and 1960s.

Angry protesters take to the streets of Vancouver after the approval of Kinder Morgan and other pipelines on November 29.

To widespread dismay, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced on November 29 his government’s approval of the expansion of Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline, which will transport tar sands oil from northern Alberta to the British Columbia coast.