Lidia Thorpe

Labor says it is delivering record funding in health, education and housing to First Nations communities, but First Nations advisor Pat Turner AM and Senator Lidia Thorpe dispute this. Kerry Smith reports.

Djab Wurrung Gunnai Gundjitmara woman and independent Senator Lidia Thorpe spoke to Chloe DS on the latest episode of the Green Left Show about resisting racism, the importance of truth-telling and Labor and Liberal’s refusal to deliver justice for First Nations people.

Lidia Thorpe

Independent Senator Lidia Thorpe told Isaac Nellist and Chloe DS that the major parties are in a “race to the bottom” on policy for First Nations peoples and that Labor has “delivered nothing”.

Protests against Israel’s war on Gaza took place across Australia for the 61st week as Amnesty International issued a report stating that Israel intended to commit genocide. 

Gunnai, Gunditjmara and Djab Wurrung independent Victorian Senator Lidia Thorpe told a rally that First Nations and climate movements need to unite to win just demands for land and climate. Jim McIlroy reports.

Senators Lidia Thorpe, Fatima Payman and Mehreen Faruqi are using their positions to fight back against the systemic racism that Senator Pauline Hanson represents, argues Pip Hinman

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Isaac Nellist and Riley Breen discuss the protests against the visit of “King” Charles and talk to NTEU national councillor Markela Panegyres about the recent vote to boycott Israel.


Not so long ago, the official line was that we could consider republicanism when the queen died. Tony Smith argues that politicians calling for Independent Senator Independent Senator Lidia Thorpe to be sanctioned for dishonesty invite ridicule.  

First Nations activists have been arrested or prevented from peacefully protesting about First People’s genocide during “King” Charles III’s visit to Ngunnawal/Canberra and Gadigal Country/Sydney. Ash Phthalo reports.

Labor Senators, including the new minister for Indigenous Australians, voted against a motion requiring the Attorney-General to provide quarterly reports on deaths in custody, coronial inquests and incidents of self-harm in prisons. Kerry Smith reports.

Aboriginal flag at NAIDOC march

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese claims that Labor is “determined” to close the gap, but the latest report shows things have gotten worse for First Nations people. Isaac Nellist reports.

65000 years strong banner

Thousands joined the march for land rights and justice for First Nations people as part of the annual NAIDOC rally in Naarm/Melbourne. Chloe DS reports.