Monica Harte

Merri-bek councillor Sue Bolton believes councils can and should play a role in defending and extending public housing. Jordan AK reports.

For the second time, hundreds marched on Labor MP Peter Khalil’s electorate office in Wills to demand he support a ceasefire. Chloe DS reports.

“Peter Khalil you can’t hide; you’re supporting genocide,” was the main chant from residents as a stream of horns and cheers from motorists erupted outside his Coburg office. Jordan AK reports.

The Australian government's policy is appalling but the people of Melbourne's northern suburbs support Gaza, Sue Bolton told Green Left.

Judging by the toots of support for Palestine at the “Northern Suburbs Speak Out for Palestine”, people are standing with the Palestinian people. Sue Bolton reports.

Merri-bek City Councillors Sue Bolton and Monica Harte organised a community protest against the $368 billion AUKUS nuclear-powered submarines. Jacob Andrewartha reports.

Sydney Road was blocked by campaigners calling for accessible tram stops before any more level crossing removal works are undertaken on the Upfield line. Darren Saffin reports.

Sign with a no nuclear symbol that reads 'nuclear free zone'

Motivated by federal Labor’s decision to spend billions on nuclear-powered submarines, Merri-bek Council passed a motion declaring the local government area a nuclear free zone. Darren Saffin reports.

In a win for those opposed to inappropriate development, Merri-bek council has rejected a proposed apartment building that would have blocked a neighbour’s access to sunlight. Darren Saffin reports.

Twenty three Victorian councils have already, or are intending to, privatise their aged-care service since the federal government changed its funding model. Kerry Smith reports.

Long-term activist Monica Harte will become the second socialist councillor on Moreland City Council after a March 21 count-back by the Victorian Electoral Commission. Jacob Andrewartha reports.

Experienced labour and community activist Monica Harte is standing as part of the Sue Bolton Moreland Team for the Moreland City Council elections. Sue Bolton asked her about her motivations to run for council.