Pauline Lockie

In a shift of alliances, Inner West councillors elected the Greens’ Rochelle Porteous as the new mayor, reports Pip Hinman.

Labor councillors are trying to overturn an Inner West Council decision to conduct a referendum of residents on de-amalgamation at the next local government election. Pip Hinman reports.

“We owe it to future generations to do our best to halt this disastrous project,” Greens MLA for Newtown Jenny Leong told an August 22 public meeting about the controversial $17 billion WestConnex tollway project.

According to Monash University professor Chris Nash, who also addressed the meeting, "It is not too late to stop this project".

There was a 6% swing against the Liberal Party in the Inner West Council (IWC) election in Sydney on September 9.

This was a common pattern, reflected in other local elections also conducted then for councils that were forcibly amalgamated by the NSW Liberal government last year.

IWC is the product of the forced amalgamation of the former Ashfield, Marrickville and Leichhardt Council.