Sarah Hanson-Young

While Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s new social media ban for young people may appeal to worried parents, Luka Koerber writes it doesn’t address the real problems with social media platforms.

Labor faces internal division, advocate fury and community outrage over its Faustian love-in with the gambling industry, which seeks to water down bi-partisan support for advertising bans. Suzanne James reports.

Mobile phone with no signal

The nationwide outage of Australia’s second-largest telecommunications companies should prompt a reconsideration of bringing these essential services under public ownership, argues Isaac Nellist

Following the dropping of charges against ABC reporter Dan Oakes, Jim McIlroy reports on the media union's campaign to reform laws that criminalise journalism.

NSW Greens Senator Lee Rhiannon is again the target of a very public attack. This time it is not being led by the Murdoch press but by the Greens federal parliamentary caucus. Former Greens leader Bob Brown has also stepped in and repeated his demand she step down.

Attacking Rhiannon for sticking to her principles has become a pastime for the right-wing of the Greens.

Platypus numbers recovering in Melbourne Platypus populations in Melbourne's suburbs and urban fringe are showing signs of recovery, five years after being devastated by drought, the ABC said on June 2.