
RAMALLAH — Clashes between Palestinian demonstrators and Israeli troops broke out in the West Bank on May 15 and 16, the most violent confrontations since 1998. Four Palestinians were killed; two Palestinian children also died when they were
BRITAIN: London Socialist Alliance campaign an 'astounding success' Summarised below are two reports by the LONDON SOCIALIST ALLIANCE (LSA) central office which assess the alliance's performance in the May 4 election for the newly created Greater
"Strike cripples business, transport" was the headline of the Indian Express newspaper on May 12, referring to the nationwide 20 million-strong strike the previous day. The strike was called by the National Platform of Mass Organisations (NPMO), a
BY NOAM CHOMSKY The simplest answer to the argument that countries who borrowed from the World Bank/International Monetary Fund have no right to ask for debt forgiveness is that the presupposition is false, so the argument is vacuous. For example,
Texmaco black-lists strike leaders JAKARTA — Textile company Texmaco has black-listed 15 workers who led a strike at a factory here for better wages. It is refusing to allow the 15 to join the workers' negotiating team or to re-register for
UNITED STATES: Pressure grows to lift blockade against Cuba The US Senate's Appropriations Committee voted on May 9 to lift the embargo on sales of food and medicine to Cuba. Supported by both houses of Congress, the move now has an excellent
ACEH: a history of repression and resistance Aceh has a long and proud history of struggle and has a special place in Indonesian history. Resource rich and devoutly Muslim, it is located 700 kilometres north west of Jakarta at the northern end of
REVITRIYOSO HUSODO and SRI WAHYUNINGSIH of the People's Cultural Network (JAKER) in Indonesia spoke to Green Left Weekly's JULIA PERKINS during her recent visit there.   JAKER is sustained by a belief in socialist realist art and

Less than a month ago, Peter Boyle walked the sad and dusty one-kilometre stretch of the only open land border crossing between Pakistan and India, at Wagha.

Despite the Chinese Communist Party's push for the reintroduction of capitalist relations of production in China, the triumph of capitalism there is not yet certain. However, if US President Bill Clinton's November deal with Beijing for the US to
SOUTH AFRICA: Students killed at uni protest Police killed one student and injured scores during a protest at the University of Durban-Westville (UDW) in Durban on May 14. Witnesses believe that another student was also killed. Students were
INDONESIA: Discrimination against ethnic Chinese In Indonesia, racism is one of the most pressing problems facing society. Unlike the United States or South Africa, where racism is based on skin colour, racism in Indonesia manifests itself through

INDONESIA: Discrimination against ethnic Chinese