Washington, Canberra hope to disarm Falintil
By Jon Land
Falintil, the armed wing of the East Timorese resistance, is under renewed pressure to disarm. Although Falintil has upheld a unilateral cease-fire and abided by security guidelines called
Independence rally in West Papua
An estimated 5000 protesters, many holding bibles, marched through the town of Mimika singing hymns as they marched to the office of the Mimika regent to demand independence for West Papua. The protesters shouted,
US fans tensions with China
By Eva Cheng
Taiwanese President Lee Teng-hui's July 9 statement of a desire for "state to state" relations with China has increased tensions, leading to Beijing's July 31 seizure of a Taiwanese military supply vessel
Burmese students remember August 8
By Sean Healy
August 8 is the 11th anniversary of the 1988 uprising in Burma. On the 8/8/88, the entire country rose up against the corrupt and brutal regime of General Ne Win, in power since a military coup in
South African workers confront 'comrade ministers'
By Norm Dixon
South African worker militants struggling against the African National Congress (ANC) government's austere economic policies, privatisations and job losses are discovering an
Vote in East Timor delayed again
By Jon Land
On July 28, a spokesperson for United Nations secretary-general Kofi Annan announced that the referendum on independence for East Timor will be delayed yet again. August 30 has been scheduled as the
Panthers still caged in Angola
By Mumia Abu-Jamal
" For people of colour, doing time is only one among many terms of imprisonment legitimised by the concept of race." — John Edgar Wideman, Behind the Razor Wire: Portrait of a Contemporary
By Norm Dixon
Workers turned out in huge numbers in Turkey's capital, Ankara, on July 24 to oppose government moves to "reform" the country's social security system. Turkey's right-wing coalition government, elected in May on a wave of anti-Kurdish
Dhyta Caturani: 'Nothing has changed'
JAKARTA — People's Democratic Party (PRD) leader DHYTA CATURANI was seriously injured by a plastic bullet shot into her back at point blank range by police at a July 1 protest outside the electoral commission
National student league formed in Indonesia
By Max Lane
JAKARTA — On July 9-12, delegates representing 19 student activist committees met to form a new national student organisation, the National Student League for Democracy (LMND).
Amidst great controversy, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and (MBG) recently agreed to support a gas pipeline project proposed by Enron and Shell Eastern Bolivia. The San Miguel-Cuiabá pipeline, a joint
By Jim Green
Splits are emerging within the German Greens since NATO's bombing of Serbia ended. The Greens became the minor partner in a coalition government with the Social Democrats in October. In February, Martin Hufner, chief economist with
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