climate justice

The International Court of Justice is considering whether countries are obliged under international law to reduce emissions, and what the legal consequences are if they fail to do so, reports Ben Radford.

climate protest

The Global Ecosocialist Network brought together labour and climate justice activists from Africa, Asia, the United States and Europe, in June, to discuss how to build stronger links, reports Susan Price.

Extinction Rebellion's Drum Rebellion is campaigning against the undemocratic New South Wales anti-protest laws. David Killingly reports.

Tuvalu climate justice

Leaders in the Global South are continuing to lead the way in the fight for far-reaching climate action at COP27, reports Julia Conley.

At the recent Bonn climate talks, the rulers of rich nations act like arsonists who, after lighting the fire, prevent anyone calling the fire brigade, writes Alex Bainbridge.

Scottish Socialist Green New Deal

Alex Miller reviews a new booklet from the Scottish Socialist Party that makes the case for a socialist green new deal. 

COP26 global day of action

Australia-wide rallies were organised to coincide with the COP26 global day of action demanding climate justice. Alex Bainbridge reports.

Sarah Ellyard, a member of the nurses and midwives union, says climate action is urgent.

A new Climate Justice Charter has been adopted by a mass online assembly of activists in South Africa, reports Climate and Capitalism

RMIT University professor Rob Watts believes Australia needs a “Green Fair Go” — akin to the United States proposal of a “Green New Deal” — that would include a commitment to full employment through jobs linked to combating climate change.

The Maritime Union of Australia Sydney Branch voted to support the global student strike on September 20.

Climate Justice: Hope, Resilience, and the Fight for a Sustainable Future
By Mary Robinson
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018

Mary Robinson, the former president of Ireland, is undoubtedly sincere in her determination to fight climate change and “putting people at the heart of the solution”. Unfortunately, her new book shows that sincerity is not enough.