Closing the Gap

Labor says it is delivering record funding in health, education and housing to First Nations communities, but First Nations advisor Pat Turner AM and Senator Lidia Thorpe dispute this. Kerry Smith reports.

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Isaac Nellist and Riley Breen are joined by Socialist Alliance national co-convenor Jacob Andrewartha to discuss the latest Closing the Gap report, far-right riots in Britain and the political situation in the United States heading towards the November election. 

Aboriginal flag at NAIDOC march

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese claims that Labor is “determined” to close the gap, but the latest report shows things have gotten worse for First Nations people. Isaac Nellist reports.

young people jailed

New South Wales Labor's harsh new bail laws have been widely opposed by First Nations, legal and community groups who say they will cause 'unspeakable damage', reports Pip Hinman.

Stop Black deaths in custody

Gunnai Gunditjmara and Djab Wurrung independent Senator Lidia Thorpe has received crossbench backing for her call on Labor to implement the royal commission into Black deaths in custody’s recommendations. Isaac Nellist reports. 

History shows that governments have consistently resisted any proposals from First Nations advisory bodies to deliver real justice. Peter Boyle argues that the Voice to Parliament could end up as another token gesture, unless there is a strong and independent movement for First Nations justice.

In February 2016, I wrote an article for Green Left Weekly about that year’s Closing the Gap speech, with the headline “PM’s Closing the Gap speech — more Turnbullshit”. Aptly named I thought. But two years later nothing has changed.

Rally in Perh on April 24, 2015 against forced closure of remote Aborignal communities in WA.

The Socialist Alliance stands in full solidarity with the burgeoning movement against the forced closure of remote Aboriginal communities in WA.