
Fossil fuel billionaires' record profits need to be seized as a first step in democratising the energy sector and transitioning to a jobs-rich clean energy future, writes Alex Bainbridge.

A large number of climate groups supported an emergency protest following Labor's deficient climate bill passed through federal parliament. Rachel Evans reports.

New federal environment minister Tanya Plibersek is being asked to reconsider nearly all new coal and gas proposals awaiting federal approval. Cam Walker reports.

We are being told that there is a gas shortage and the coal industry is failing because it has been run down in favour of renewables. Sue Bull argues these claims are fraudulent.

Queensland Nationals Senator Matt Canavan's “net zero is dead” campaign should hardly come as a surprise, argues Binoy Kampmark.

Socialist Alliance candidate Renee Lees says Matt Canavan only speaks for the coal barons, not regional Queensland. Kerry Smith reports.


Two climate activists who had been blocking container trains to Port Botany are to be deported, but others say they will continue the blockade. Kerry Smith reports.

Following Origin Energy's decision to close Eraring coal-fired power station early, calls are growing for a federal transition plan. Niko Leka reports.

Activists from Blockade Australia have stopped coal trains and shut down the world’s largest coal port in Newcastle. Kerry Smith reports.

The capitalist establishment has spent years debating whether or not Australia should have a 2050 climate target. It is a distraction from the task at hand, argues Alex Bainbridge.  

Residents are organising to oppose the NSW government's efforts to open up the valley of Rylstone in the Central Tablelands to coal mining. Coral Wynter reports.

The New South Wales Court of Appeal has rebuffed South Korean mining company KEPCO’s bid to get its coalmine project going in the fertile Bylong Valley. Jim McIlroy reports.