Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE)

Leonidas Iza Salazar

Progressive forces swept Ecuador’s local elections on February 5 as opposition grows to the right-wing Guillermo Lasso government, reports Ana Zorita.

Ecuador national strike

Defying the state of emergency, enduring brutal police and military repression, hundreds of thousands of Ecuadorians continue to remain on the streets against neoliberalism, reports Tanya Wadhwa.

Ecuador’s April 11 election that led to a 5-point victory by conservative banker Guillermo Lasso over progressive candidate Andrés Arauz was not what it appeared to be, write Medea Benjamin and Leonardo Flores.

Ecuador will return to the polls on April 2 after a first round presidential vote failed to deliver a decisive victory for Lenin Moreno, the candidate seeking to continue outgoing President Rafael Correa’s pro-poor “Citizens’ Revolution”.  

Moreno now faces the challenge of ensuring Ecuador does not join the list of countries in the region where the left has recently lost at the ballot box.