Construction Forestry Maritime Employees Union (CFMEU)

Rank-and-file construction members of the Construction Forestry, Maritime and Employees Union have been campaigning to keep the manufacturing division within the union’s amalgamated structure. Sue Bull reports.

Construction workers protested outside the Fair Work Commission to demand that Esther Van Arend, a former Construction, Forestry Maritime and Employees Union health and safety organiser who had been unfairly sacked by the CFMEU administrator, be reinstated. Jacob Andrewartha reports.

The dangerous impacts of Labor’s forcible administration of the Construction, Forestry and Maritime Employees Union are being revealed, with some bosses flouting occupational health and safety laws more recklessly. Sue Bull reports. 

Isaac Nellist and Riley Breen talk to Tim Gooden about the attacks on the CFMEU and to Jordan Armaou-Massoud about the arrests of anti-war protesters in Victoria.

Federal Labor’s decision to place the Construction Forestry and Maritime Employees Union into administration may become a significant headache for the so-called party of the working class. Sue Bull reports.

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Isaac Nellist and Riley Breen discuss the protests against the visit of “King” Charles and talk to NTEU national councillor Markela Panegyres about the recent vote to boycott Israel.


Responding to the global Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions campaign, the National Tertiary Education Union National Council has decided, overwhelmingly, to support an academic institutional boycott of Israeli universities. Jonathan Strauss and Markela Panegyres report.

Those cheering on Labor’s attack on the construction division of the Construction Forestry Maritime Employees Union claim the union is responsible for the shortfall in promised new homes. Sue Bull reports.

Union bodies, leaders and rank-and-file Construction Forestry Maritime Employees Union members are pushing back against Labor’s unprecedented draconian anti-CFMEU law. Pip Hinman reports.

It is not enough to “punish Labor” in coming elections. The real challenge is to build a political alternative that will act for the majority, not slavishly serve the billionaire class, argue Sue Bull, Jacob Andrewartha and Sam Wainwright

Building workers’ unions from around the world are speaking out in solidarity with the Construction Forestry and Maritime Employees Union after Labor placed the construction division into administration and sacked elected officials. Fred Fuentes reports.


Construction union leader Michael Ravbar gave a speech at an August 27 rally in defence of the Construction Forestry and Maritime Employees Union.