farmers' rights

drought-stricken lake and lime farmers in Peru

Peruvian farmers are getting a raw deal thanks to unfair prices for their produce, water shortages and unregulated corporate profiteering, reports Ben Radford.


Thousands of small farmers, landless peasants and agricultural workerscame from across Pakistan on October 6 to demand a minimum support price for their produce and an end to corporate farming and land grabs, reports Susan Price.

The Indian farmer's movement is a demonstration that people power can preserve the public sector and has become an inspiration for labourers around the world to take on neoliberalism and fascism.

Despite police repression and the COVID-19 pandemic, workers, farmers and their allies participated in a nationwide strike against recent neoliberal reforms pushed through by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. People's Dispatch reports.

More than 500 people gathered at the Coonamble Bowls Club on February 10 to declare they do not want a gas pipeline across NSW’s western slopes and would fight to protect the Great Artesian Basin.

The meeting expressed deep-seated concern about the potential threat of coal seam gas (CSG) mining to the Great Artesian Basin.

APA has been contracted to build a gas pipeline through the NSW slopes and plains for gas giant Santos, which wants to sink 850 CSG wells in a 95,000-hectare project area in the Pilliga State Forest.