
The NSW government says its Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap is responding to community concerns about reducing emissions and energy costs. But is it? Patrick McDonald takes a look.

Traditional Owners from the Northern Territory have again made it clear to Origin Energy that they do not want gas infrastructure crossing through their country and sacred sites, writes Pip Hinman.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg's budget was a chance to reset Australia’s failed climate policies. But, as John Quiggin writes, it favoured polluting technologies over a clean energy future.

The “gas is cleaner” lie is but one of scores of Orwellian falsehoods in look-the-other-way neoliberal Australia, argues Gideon Polya.

Tuesday’s budget is on everybody’s mind. Most people will be looking for whatever life buoys Treasury throws, writes Suzanne James.

Cam Walker argues that the federal government’s push for fossil gas amid a worsening climate crisis is reckless in the extreme.

Despite warnings from climate scientists and economic analysts, Australia is embarking on a dangerous attempt at a fossil fuel-led economic recovery from the pandemic, write Margaret Gleeson and Pip Hinman.

Inner West Council has joined First Nations communities in opposing Origin's fracking plans in the NT, reports Pip Hinman.

Demonstrations in solidarity with Wet'suwet'en land defenders fighting against a proposed fracked gas pipeline continue across Canada, writes Jessica Corbett.

More people are saying “politics is broken” and it is not hard to see why. But, as Alex Bainbridge argues, fixing the situation will require breaking the enormous power fossil fuel corporations have over the major parties.

Bullying is never okay, and certainly not from the “lunatic fringe” inner city or “scientists”, writes Carlo Sands.

Marie Flood and Pip Hinman report from the second hearing into the NSW government's enforcement of the Chief Scientists' guidelines on coal seam gas. They heard disturbing reports from farmers.