Gwenael Velge argues that allowing for antisemitism to be conflated with anti-Zionism undermines foundational principles and the role of universities.
Jewish Council of Australia
There is no question that we must oppose and fight antisemitism. However, its weaponisation — specifically in relation to anti-Zionism — is now so pervasive that it underlies every attempt to shut down the movement for Palestinian rights, argues Janet Parker.
Sarah Schwartz, executive officer of the Jewish Council of Australia, has been attacked by the right for criticising Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s conflation of Jews with Zionism. Pip Hinman reports.
The Jewish Council of Australia has warned politicians not to use antisemitic attacks to point-score or spread other forms of hatred, such as Islamophobia or anti-Palestinian racism. Kerry Smith reports.
Riley Breen spoke to Janet Parker from Jews for Palestine WA about the ongoing genocide in Gaza and the claims that the Palestine solidarity movement and criticisms of Israel are antisemitic.
Anti-Zionist organisations condemned the attack on a Melbourne synagogue saying it is “an attack on us all”. Kerry Smith reports.
Students at the University of Melbourne say they are being punished because they forced the academic institution to disclose its ties to Israeli genocide. Jacob Andrewartha reports.
Sarah Schwartz of the Jewish Council of Australia said the appointment of an antisemitism envoy is needlessly provocative. Binoy Kampmark reports.
The Jewish Council of Australia has renewed its call on federal Labor to pressure Israel to stop committing genocide, following Israel’s May 27 airstrike on Palestinians reduced to living in tents. Pip Hinman reports.
Peter Dutton joined Zionist and far-right groups ramping up attacks pro-Palestinian protests and Muslim communities in the wake of unrelated stabbing incidents. Peter Boyle reports.
Jewish Council of Australia says Israel is ‘rogue state’, demands end to military, political support
The Jewish Council of Australia has again called on governments to cut all military ties and to apply sanctions to Israel, as it did after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Pip Hinman reports.
The Australian Jewish Council said any suggestion that Palestinians arriving from Gaza are a threat to Jews is “outrageous”. Kerry Smith reports.