Murugappan family

Refugee rights activists discussed the Labor government’s contradictory refugee policy at a recent forum. Chris Slee reports.

Labor has no right to ride the wave of sympathy for the Murugappan family while it turns back boats at sea in contravention of the UN Charter, argues Janet Parker.

Rachel Evans spoke to Tamil refugees and activists Kalyani Inpakumar and Renuga Inpakumar about the continuing persecution of Tamils in Sri Lanka and the campaign for rights here.

Without permanent protection the family is in danger of being forcibly returned to Sri Lanka where they will face persecution, torture and possibly death. Alex Salmon reports.

If the Murugappan refugee family is released from Perth community detention, they are likely to join 18,000 others on insecure temporary visas. Chloe DS reports on the cruel visa system.

A former Department of Immigration deputy secretary told a rally for the Murugappan family that good immigration policy can and should be compassionate. Paul Oboohov reports.

The Murugappan family has become a symbol for all refugees who have been treated as less than human because of Australian border and immigration policies, argues Renuga Inpakuma