NSW Nurses and Midwives Association

A petition calling on NSW parliament to deliver a substantial pay rise and better working conditions for nurses and midwives, signed by more than 38,000 people, was debated. Jim McIlroy reports.

While NSW Labor claims it cannot afford to pay medical professionals the same rates as their counterparts in other states, the public doesn’t buy it. Suzanne James reports.

NSW Labor blames overworked workers, but the Australian Medical Association says the NSW Health budget is “failing to meet patient demand”. Suzanne James reports on cuts being planned for Cootamundra.

More than 10,000 nurses and midwives went on strike and marched on NSW Parliament to demand a fair pay deal and better conditions. Isaac Nellist reports. 

Gomeroi Traditional Owners, unionists and representatives from Lock the Gate Alliance met with NSW MPs to urge them to end Santos’ Narrabri coal seam gas project in the Pilliga Forest. Kerry Smith reports.

Union bodies, leaders and rank-and-file Construction Forestry Maritime Employees Union members are pushing back against Labor’s unprecedented draconian anti-CFMEU law. Pip Hinman reports.

In one of the biggest protests in 50 years, nurses and midwives across NSW walked off the job for a 15% pay rise and safer working conditions. Kerry Smith reports.

Public sector nurses and midwives in New South Wales took strike action for a wage rise and other necessary improvements. Kerry Smith reports.

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation voted to reject Victorian Labor’s latest enterprise bargaining offer despite the union and government reaching an in-principal deal. A Victorian nurse reports.