Peoples Blockade 2023

Coal port people’s blockade, student’s strike for Palestine & abortion rights in the US

Green Left journalists Isaac Nellist and Aneesa Bhamjee go through the latest news from across the continent and around the world.

People's blockade of the world's largest coal port

Rising Tide's People's Blockade of the Newcastle coal port drew thousands to a creative and powerful civil disobedience action. Alex Bainbridge reports.

Australian Greens leader Adam Bandt tells Green Left's Isaac Nellist why he thinks joining the #PeoplesBlockade of the world’s biggest coal port is so important.

Green Left's Leo Earle and Isaac Nellist spoke to attendees at the blockade of the world’s largest coal port in Muloobinba/Newcastle.

Rising Tide and Green Left co-hosted a forum on how to sustainably move away from coal when it’s been communities' livelihood for generations. Jim McIlroy reports.