Public housing

One hundred and fifty public housing residents in the Waterloo South estate were just given eviction notices from Homes NSW, but many have vowed to fight back. Kerry Smith reports.

Two independent reports refute Victorian Labor’s position that knocking and down and rebuilding 44 public housing towers is the best option to achieve a mix of private, social and affordable housing. Darren Saffin reports.

Socialist Alliance preselected Rachel Evans to contest the seat of Sydney and a state-wide meeting on February 8 preselected Peter Boyle and Andrew Chuter for the NSW Senate. Jim McIlroy reports.

Hundreds marched from Flemington to North Melbourne to oppose Victorian Labor’s plans to demolish 44 public housing towers. Darren Saffin reports.

Public housing tenants and advocates demanded genuine solutions to the housing crisis outside NSW Parliament on World Eradicate Poverty Day. Rachel Evans reports. 

The latest episode of the Green Left Show features Sarah Williams, Sue Bolton and Renée Lees on how to stop violence against women.

empty wallet

Anglicare Australia not only wants Labor to raise all welfare payments, it is also calling for an independent 'Social Security Commission' with the power to set and adjust payments based on the actual cost of living. Isaac Nellist reports. 

Rents must be frozen and the housing-price casino has to be shut down, starting with the tax rorts. Tax incentives should be available only for building new housing that adds to existing stock, argues Renfrey Clarke.

Socialist Alliance Councillor Sarah Hathway is standing for re-election in Corio Ward, which includes some of Victoria’s most socio-economically disadvantaged suburbs. Sue Bull reports.

A coalition of grassroots housing groups launched a national petition campaign which aims to involve unions in defending and extending public housing. Kerry Smith reports.

Renfrey Clarke argues that migrants are, unfortunately, the easy-to-blame scapegoats for a system that has lacked the vision and ability to provide affordable housing. 

Judy Mundey, a long-term campaigner, told a Save Greater Sydney Coalition protest that she doubts Labor’s pro-developer rezoning plan and that public housing is no more an extravagant concept than public health care and public education.