Quadrilateral Security Dialogue

Balikatan 2023

Rasti Delizo, an international affairs analyst, longtime socialist activist in the Philippines and former vice president of the Bukluran ng Manggagawang Pilipino (BMP, Solidarity of Filipino Workers) discusses rising militarism in the Asia-Indo-Pacific region.

A protest is being planned when United States President Joe Biden arrives for the Quad summit on May 24. Karri Bramble reports.

Korea war

South Korea’s far-right President Yoon Suk Yeol is rushing South Korea headlong into the middle of the new Cold War that the United States is waging against China, argue Dae-Han Song and Alice S Kim.

The Barack Obama administration’s “Pivot to Asia” — the military, economic and political strategy to deploy more than half the US Navy to the Pacific — is continuing apace. Reihana Mohideen argues it needs to be resisted.

Stop the war on Ukraine

Socialist Alliance (Australia) adopted the following resolutions, on September 18, condemning Russia's attack on Ukraine, opposing NATO expansion and rejecting the war drive on China.

US-ASEAN Special Summit

The United States is aggressively seeking to revive its waning hegemonic role in the Asia-Pacific. In response, the following joint statement was issued by the Party of the Labouring Masses (Philippines), the Socialist Party of Malaysia and the Working People's Association (Indonesia).

The recent ASEAN summit, hosted by US President Joe Biden, was designed to bring the 10-country association closer to the US’ anti-China orbit. William Briggs reports.

The propaganda war against China and Russia got a whole lot worse in the past week. The very real danger of war either in our region, or in Europe, was made abundantly clear, argues William Briggs.

Government spokespeople and the media have been a little coy, but now the gloves are off: China is the enemy. William Briggs argues that the Quad meeting is the latest propaganda assault.

Scott Morrison's prehistoric approach to climate change may not have been clocked by US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, but will the advertising man get away with it? Binoy Kampmark reports.