Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF)

War and peace have become important issues in the City of Newcastle Council elections, as Newcastle is slated to become a major weapons manufacturing hub. Steve O'Brien reports.

Labor ministers happily agreed to allow the United States to deepen and tighten militarisation of Australia at the AUSMIN 2023 talks. Bevan Ramsden reports.

The Pitch Black military exercises are one element in a series that tie Australia to US plans for retaining its regional military dominance in the face of China’s rise, writes Vince Scappatura

Exercise Pitch Black further entrenches Australia with the United States' war drive, the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network says. Kerry Smith reports.

It is rare that a critical article on Australia's military spending appears in one of the corporate newspapers but on October 25, the Melbourne Age published such an article by senior correspondent Daniel Flitton entitled “Does Australia's military need such tentacles of defence?”. Flitton argued that while Australian governments have “talked the good talk of regional co-operation and engagement for decades” their “staggering shopping list of new military hardware was signalling a very different message to the region.