Socialist Alliance

In response to the plan to rapidly phase out the disaster payment, the Australian Council of Social Service said the JobSeeker rate needs to be lifted to $80 a day. Arie Huybregts reports.

Socialist Alliance councillors Rob Pyne, Sam Wainwright and Sue Bolton

Australia’s already unrepresentative electoral system is about to become even less democratic, reports Alex Bainbridge.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme purports to support a better life for hundreds of thousands of people with disabilities, their families and carers. Graham Matthews, Steve Warren, Terry Townsend and Lisa Macdonald argue for a needs-driven scheme.

Inner West residents will finally have a say on forced council amalgamation in a non-binding referendum at the local government elections on September 4. Peter Boyle reports.

The Socialist Alliance is calling on the Coalition government to impose targeted sanctions on Myanmar's military while maintaining aid to the victims of human rights violations.

Bicycle ride against the forced council amalgamations

The campaign for the de-amalgamation of three Inner West councils is gaining traction in the lead-up to council elections on September 4, writes Peter Boyle.

Federal ministers have been brazenly beating the war drums in the latest round of verbal aggression against China, escalating the government’s anti-China propaganda to a dangerous new level, argues Peter Boyle.

Alex Bainbridge, Sarah Hathway and Sam Wainwright put the case for a health and justice-focussed response to the devestating outbreak of COVID-19 in India. 

International Women's Day rally in Sydney

Christian Porter and Scott Morrison have tried their hardest to confuse the issues surrounding credible allegations of rape. Sarah Hathway and Kamala Emanuel argue grassroots mobilisations like #March4Justice can have a major impact.

Sam Wainwright argues that a vote for the Socialist Alliance is not a wasted vote. Rather it sends a signal that voters believe only mobilised communities can defeat capitalism.

Vote for the Socialist Alliance in the WA elections and send a message to the big parties that you support the creation of a social power in our communities, on the streets and in our workplaces. Chloe de Silva reports.

The Socialist Alliance strongly condemns the military coup in Myanmar/Burma and calls on the Australian government to deny recognition to the regime.