More than 50 allied health professionals and supporters rallied outside Barwon Health’s University Hospital to protest against a proposed restructure. Sue Bull reports.
Victorian Allied Health Professionals Association (VAHPA)
After several months of failed negotiations, radiology staff at I-MED Victoria stopped work on all sites on February 14. Sarah Hathway reports.
As Victoria heads into its fourth lockdown, healthcare workers are concerned that public health services are at breaking point. Sarah Hathway reports.
The Health Services Union (HSU) expenses affair was a protracted political scandal that, 2006 to 2011, revealed the criminal activity of former HSU national secretary and former Labor politician Craig Thomson as well as former national president and former general secretary of HSU East Michael Williamson.
In 2008 Kathy Jackson succeeded Craig Thomson as general secretary of the HSU. Jackson’s role in the HSU scandal provides us with an intriguing case study on the relationship between politics and cognitive dissonance.