What Were You Wearing

The latest episode of the Green Left Show features Sarah Williams, Sue Bolton and Renée Lees on how to stop violence against women.

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Isaac Nellist discusses the national weekend of rallies to end violence against women, what could be done after Rex Airlines falls into administration and students protest in India after corruption and exam leaks impacted millions. 

Around 50 women have been killed by men

Thousands marched to end violence at rallies across the country as part of a national weekend of action initiated by What Were You Wearing. Isaac Nellist reports. 

Labor’s package to help women escape violence is welcome but not nearly enough. Angela Carr argues that we need to be clear on what drives men to commit violence against women and address that, as well as assisting victim/survivors.

Tens of thousands of people joined mass rallies to demand real action to combat male violence against women, over April 26–27, promoted by the killing of 27 women, so far, this year.