Woodside Energy

Matilda Lane-Rose, from Disrupt Burrup Hub, joins the Green Left Show to discuss why we must oppose the destructive gas project.

Disrupt Burrup Hub climate campaigners defiantly pleaded not guilty to charges of conspiracy and will return to court to fight other charges. Riley Breen reports.

offshore gas platform

The day after scientists marked the hottest day on record, Labor's federal resources minister Madeleine King announced new gas exploration permits for fossil fuel giants. Pip Hinman reports. 

It is important to amplify the voices of those most affected by climate catastrophe, and those include young people, argues Maz Misiewicz

Paul Gregoire spoke to Disrupt Burrup Hubs’s Gerard Mazza about the ABC’s betrayal of its code, the dangerous Woodside gas project and why the group is being made out to be terrorists.

Pushing back against the power of the fossil fuel companies, First Nations and climate activists are determined to protect the unique Exmouth Gulf. Leo Earle reports.

Disrupt Burrup Hub activists protest the ABC

The ABC should not help criminalise activists by handing over footage to the police, argues Isaac Nellist.

Woodside and the WA government have stepped up their attacks on peaceful climate protesters with the help of Kerry Stokes’ media emporium. Binoy Kampmark reports.


Disrupt Burrup Hub staged a silent protest in front of Woodside’s headquarters in response to the West Australian government’s crackdown on protesters engaging in direct action. Nova Sobieralski reports.

One hundred people protested outside Woodside's WA headquarters, calling on it to stop exploration for a new gas field at Burrup Hub off the Pilbara coast. Alex Salmon reports.


Two hundred people protested for climate action  as part of Extinction Rebellion WA’s “Perth stops for climate”. Alex Salmon reports.

Passionate march to Woodside's office

Hundreds of climate strikers heard from First Nations leaders and climate activists before marching to the Woodside office in Perth, reports Alex Bainbridge.