burning village

Indonesia officially joined the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, China and South Africa consortium), marking a significant milestone in its foreign relations, writes Ali Mirin.

flags of Brazil, India, China, Russia, South Africa

In the first of our two-part interview, South African political economist and author Patrick Bond discusses modern-day imperial power and the role BRICS countries play in maintaining United States dominance with Green Left's Federico Fuentes.

imperialism globalisation

Author, economist and political activist Michael Roberts spoke to Green Left’s Federico Fuentes about the realities of imperialism today and how much — or how little — has changed since Vladimir Lenin wrote his book on the subject.

John Smith

In Part 2 of our interview, John Smith, author of Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century: Globalization, Super-Exploitation and Capitalism’s Final Crisis, discusses Russia, China, multipolarity and anti-imperialism today with Green Left's Federico Fuentes.

Long-time South African climate justice activist and author Patrick Bond is professor of political economy at the Wits School of Governance, University of the Witwatersrand.

Ethemcan Turhan and Cem Iskender Aydin spoke with Bond on the need for an international climate justice movement to target the Donald Trump administration.