By Phil McManus The '90s are already a fascinating decade for anybody interested in Australian cities. It seems our cities have been rediscovered, resuscitated, resurrected even, from the so-called "excesses" and "aberrations" of the 1980s.
Growth "A strategy for growth is what we need, a strategy for growth is what we are going to have." — British Prime Minister John Major, shortly after backing down on the Tory government's proposal to close down 31 of the country's coal mines
Morals campaign 'worse than Joh's' By Dave Riley BRISBANE — A state government plan to tap telephones and arrest suspects without warrants has been labelled as more draconian than any legislation during the era of Premier Joh
Groom's industrial relations package condemned Dave Wright HOBART — The Liberals' Fightback! package and industrial relations strategy were condemned at a meeting here on October 20. Trades and Labour Council secretary Jim Bacon said some
By Marcel Garces MADRID — Because of changes to the world climate, some 20 million Spaniards who live along 8000 km of Mediterranean coast are in danger, say environmental organisations and government authorities. Minister of public works
Campaign to repeal 45D and E MELBOURNE — A broad campaign to repeal sections 45 D and E of the Trade Practices Act (which prevent unions from protecting their members' rights through secondary boycotts) is being built around the independent
Feral Children Shooting Parties em = By Denis Kevans Fortunately, for the jaded international telescope rifle hunter, there are large and increasing numbers of outcast children living a carefree life in the broad expanses of Western Sydney.
By Pinar Selinay ISTANBUL — How easy is it to hide a war? In its rapidly escalating war against the Kurds, Turkey is careful to keep the matter as hushed as possible, while the Kurds lack the resources to make their cause known
By Peter Boyle MELBOURNE — The Kennett Liberal-National government hit the public's pocket and the environment in an October 28 mini-budget. Victorian families will be up to $870 worse off on the average because of increased state taxes and
By Chris Beale After narrowly winning the general election on September 13, Thailand's new pro-democracy government is already being destabilised by a series of bomb attacks. The same bombing and assassination tactics used during the
NSW resource package 'a sweetheart deal' The NSW government's proposed natural resources package is a sweetheart deal between the government and large timber corporations which would privatise NSW forests without giving any real job security to
Opera on the edge Lacuna Performed by Chamber Made Opera Composed by David Chesworth Libretto and direction by Douglas Horton At the Gasworks Theatre, Melbourne, until November 7 Reviewed by Lin Wolfe This is a difficult production to
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