By Ray Fulcher
MELBOURNE — The new leadership of the State Public Services Federation (Victoria) has accepted the Kennett government's industrial program of individual contracts. The move was welcomed by Premier Jeff Kennett and Trades Hall
By Catherine S. Beacham
When US naval personnel formally withdrew from their Philippine base at Subic Bay last November, they left behind far more than the unsightly neocolonial infrastructure of their postwar militarisation policies.
Not sexism
I take issue with Brandon Astor Jones' contention that "The collective silence and total disregard for the lives and human dignity of men in prison is 'sexism' in one of its most insidious forms." (GLW #110).
The shocking
By Liz McMurrich
PERTH — More than 3000 Aborigines and non-Aboriginal people marched and rallied on here August 13 to demand recognition of Aboriginal land rights.
Speakers included Aboriginal activists Ted Wilkes, Clarrie Issacs,
By Sean Malloy and Doug Lorimer
"The complexity of the Israel/Palestine conflict is that at its root is a conflict between two fundamentally legitimate aspirations", Vivienne Porzsolt claimed in Green Left Weekly No. 110. This assertion is
By Cindy Callender
Over 360,000 pigs are raised for slaughter in Victoria each year, most under factory farming conditions. Pigs, whose intelligence is comparable to that of dogs, cannot fulfil their needs in intensive piggeries.
Jimmy Cliff: 'No peace without justice'
By Norm Dixon
Jimmy Cliff is today the standard bearer of politically conscious Jamaican reggae. He came to fame as part of the classic generation of reggae freedom fighters led by the now-deified
By Karen Fredericks
The existence of an armed conflict in Bougainville has been raised formally for the first time in the South Apcific Forum at the forum's 24th summit meeting which ended on Nauru last week.
During the summit New Zealand
By Karen Fredericks
Students across Australia participated in a National Day of Action called by the National Union of Students (NUS) on August 10 to protest the increases in tertiary education charges foreshadowed for the upcoming federal
By Peter Boyle
The Wik people's claim for recognition of their "native title" in the Cape York Peninsula has become the latest focus of the mining companies' hysteria over the consequences of the High Court's 1992 Mabo decision. Queensland
'Boat people' win release
By Stephen Robson
PERTH — A Federal Court ruling led to the release of 26 Chinese "boat people" in Port Hedland on August 13.
The decision was the first test of federal government legislation enacted in
The following speech given by Cuban President Fidel Castro to the Third Ibero-American Summit held July 13-16 in Salvador, Brazil.
We are meeting at a time of world crisis and conflicts of every kind. The hopes for peace, stability and
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