Generation gap? As the backlash outlined by Susan Faludi continues, there has been a rush of articles about the new feminism. Well known — or soon to be well known because they are well publicised by the establishment media and academic world
Jenny Craig Kath Tucker's grizzle about Jenny Craig and similar diet institutions (GL #128) fails to take into account the fact that many women wish to lose weight in order to feel better — the fact that they may look better is secondary.
By Lamoin Werlein-Jan The December 20, 1989 US invasion of Panama was not about Manuel Noriega's involvement with the drug trade, protecting US lives or restoring democracy. These were only the excuses used to justify Washington's gross
Marina Carman Population: no simplistic solutions We live in a world in crisis. A world plagued by pollution of air, seas, land, food and drinking water. A world of ozone depletion, deforestation and global warming. It's an international
Open Learning — The Collapse of Communism — A Triumph for the West? — One for the early riser. A number of historians have declared the "end of ideology"; assessing this claim, the program looks at the role of the US as world cop in a more
SYDNEY — Songs of Protest, Songs of Struggle is a benefit concert for Green Left Weekly and Actively Radical TV. It will be held on Saturday, February 19, from 8 p.m. at Burland Community Hall, King Street, Newtown. Following are brief
By Kate Shannon As the Bosnians in Sarajevo bury their dead from the recent massacre by Serb gunners, NATO has called on the Bosnian army within the besieged city to lay down its heavy weapons along with the Serbs surrounding the city. Both
By Paul Oboohov SYDNEY — Liberal and National Party backbenchers in the state parliament are trying to stop the declaration of 350,000 ha of 11 remaining wilderness areas in NSW, or water them down. These areas were announced for declaration
Protesters confront Indonesian minister By Cameron Price MELBOURNE — A picket was organised outside the World Congress Centre on February 8 by Environmental Youth Alliance, the Indonesian solidarity group Aksi and Resistance to highlight
Luciana Castelina, a leader of the Italian Party of Communist Refoundation (PRC) and a member of the European parliament, spoke with Green Left Weekly's Kate Shannon about the coming national elections. Castelina will be a speaker at the
By Renfrey Clarke MOSCOW — How democratic is a country in which a person who reveals breaches of an international agreement can be put on trial in a closed court, under secret laws and in violation of the constitution? That is the question
Adelaide Fringe/Festival During the next few weeks Adelaide will be inundated with a variety of cultural forms. Listed here are only a few of many highlights. Aboriginal and Islander Music Festival — Warumpi Band, Mixed Relations, Seven