By Jo Brown
Students enrolling on Victorian campuses in recent weeks have been confronted by Liberal students asking them to sign petitions in support of voluntary student unionism (VSU). The Liberal students are trying to gain support for VSU
The Vibe hits Adelaide
By Michael Arnold
A highlight of this year's Adelaide Festival will be the presentation of three raves and a number of club nights by new rave travellers the Vibe Tribe.
The Vibe Tribe, formed from the
By Tom Kelly
In response to pollution scandals and toxic disasters, in the 1980s the rich industrialised countries of the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) adopted relatively strict regulations governing the disposal
By Steve Rogers
CANBERRA — Quarantine and food quality issues have been cast aside in the latest round of cuts to the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service. On February 14, management released a proposed structure to staff which chopped
Schindler's List
Directed by Steven Spielberg
Screenplay by Steven Zaillian
Reviewed by Jon Land
This film traces the remarkable story of Oskar Schindler and his efforts to save some 1100 Polish Jews from the Nazi Holocaust. Adapted from
Coalition to save Adelaide Hills face
By Ramona Shee
ADELAIDE — "The hills face is not protected, but ordinary people think it is", Ben Carslake, secretary of the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) told Green Left
Bertrand Russell
By Caroline Moorehead
Sinclair Stevenson, 1993. 596 pp. $26.95 (pb)
Reviewed by Phil Shannon
Though born in 1872, Bertrand Russell â philosopher and outspoken political dissenter â can still satisfy the sceptical and
Bobbit trial
The Lorena Bobbit verdict certainly speaks for the place of women in the criminal justice system. But its message is one of exclusion, dangerous and nebulous alternative sanctions and the consequences for good little girls trying to
All relative
"There is no democracy in preselection , and we need to democratise our party ... we need a more broad-based selection committee who will look at people not because they are someone's relative but because they deserve it." — NSW
By Tom Kelly
A worker using a wooden stick presses plastic bundles into a hopper, where it melts into a grey mass. The plastic is mixed with a colouring agent and tipped into a moulding machine, where it is formed into coat hangers. Nearby,
Black River
Directed by Kevin Lucas
Mercury Cinema, Adelaide
Reviewed by Melanie Sjoberg
Black River won the 1993 Grand Prix Opera Screen, Paris, and AFI nomination at the London, Hawaii, Melbourne and Brisbane international film
Court government to close schools
By Stephen Robson
PERTH — Despite the "I'm not Jeff Kennett and this is not Victoria" rhetoric during the 1993 state election campaign from Liberal leader Richard Court, his school closure program has all
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