Richmond campaign vindicated By Geoff Spencer MELBOURNE — Two years after Richmond Secondary College was closed in the first round of school cuts, the Kennett government has endorsed a report that recommends the expansion of coeducation
Crossing the Party Line: Memoirs of Bernie Taft By Bernie Taft Scribe Publications, 1994. 352 pp., $26.95 (pb)Reviewed by Phil Shannon I remember one of the more humorous contributions to the "Prospects Discussion" in the Communist Party of
Illusions By Afrodity Giannakis Neon lights selling lies of excitement and ultimate satisfaction. Consumption of synthetic food flamboyant dresses and the system's rotten relationships artfully wrapped in flashy screens
By Jennifer Thompson SYDNEY — The Statewide Disability Crisis Coalition erected a tent city in Hyde Park, in the city centre, between November 24 and 26. The action, part of an ongoing campaign for government support for people with
By Peter Montague The immune system is a complex set of specialised cells and organs that defends the body against attack. When it functions properly, the immune system fights off diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites and cancer
Public transport The recent University of Technology finding that in parts of George Street in the CBD the level of benzene — a cancer causing agent in petrol — is 500 per cent higher than the recommended safety standard reinforces the need
No cheap stuff "If you buy cheap stuff, it looks awful, it chips and breaks. It is difficult to get, as distinct from 50 years ago." — Kevin Rozzoli, speaker of the NSW Legislative Assembly, explaining the need to spend $180,000 for fine bone
A new report released by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) and Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) states that more than 14 million people in the USA routinely drink water that is contaminated with carcinogenic herbicides. The report,
Women are not anti-union By Melanie Sjoberg ADELAIDE — Two important new documents, Raising Our Voices: Activism Amongst Women and Men in South Australian Unions, by Barbara Pocock, and its companion Strength in Numbers: Increasing

A boy is dead. A court finds an army general responsible. He is ordered to pay compensatory and punitive damages. The boy, Kamal Bamadhaj, a 20-year-old student, is my son.

Medicare under attack A newly formed lobby group, the General Practice Forum, has called for the end of bulk-billing, free consultations and the free at-point-of-service provision of such items as vaccines and bandages. This is the opening shot
NSW teachers strike in support of pay claim By Paul Oboohov SYDNEY — NSW school and TAFE teachers struck for 24 hours on November 23 in support of their 10% pay claim. This shut a fifth of NSW schools, with TAFE and the Education