All in the game
"It's like treasurers lying about budgets. There are some things you're allowed to be slightly dishonest about in politics without giving away the game." — Former NSW Liberal police minister Terry Griffiths, explaining why Liberal
By Janet Parker
The plague of aircraft noise generated by the opening of the third runway at Sydney's Kingsford Smith Airport has generated a protest movement on a scale not seen in many years. The draft environmental impact statement in 1991
Giap's role in the Vietnamese revolution
Giap: The victor in Vietnam
By Peter Macdonald
Warner Books, 1994. $14.95 (pb)
Reviewed by Stephen Robson
Written by a brigadier, the book concentrates on a military assessment of Vietnam's
By Richard Giles
Evidence is accumulating that unleaded fuel could be more damaging than leaded. Unleaded fuel may be causing new waves of cancer and making a profound contribution to environmental degradation.
While declines in the amount
Actions to save forests
Following a series of actions in January to oppose the chipping and export of old-growth forests, further protests are planned for February.
These include a rally in Newcastle on February 18, in Sydney on February 19
By Tom Griffiths
HAVANA — "You are probably wondering who the foreign minister is ... well I'm it". With these words, Roberto Robaina opened a discussion with a group of some 40 Australians on January 20, the day after the departure of Gareth
Indonesian terrorism
The National Council of Maubere Resistance (CNRM) reports that Indonesians from Java on January 25 stabbed to death Atai, an East Timorese of Chinese ancestry, in Bairro Pite. It was not immediately known whether the killers
ADELAIDE — Planning for International Women's Day is well under way. A guest speaker from Kababaihan, which represents women workers and urban poor of the Philippines, will be the feature of the day. Other speakers will take up issues related to
Our Fabulous Heritage: The Living Forest — The first of a six-part series on the National Estate Register. The Victorian Central Highlands is a large and very diverse area encompassing the magnificent mountain ash forests. These trees can be over
By Boris Kagarlitsky
MOSCOW — On January 21 and 22, the Third Congress of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (KPRF) was held here. No sensations were expected, and none occurred. Nevertheless, the congress was an important landmark
By Craig Cormick
Based on highly reliable international contacts, leaked documents and horoscopes from several TV magazines, Nostradamus' Media Watch presents a highly accurate forecast of political events across the globe.
Sierra Maestra
World Circuit through Larrikin Entertainment
Reviewed by Norm Dixon
As the Adelaide WOMAD (World of Music and Dance) festival approaches, world music enthusiasts are licking their lips at the prospect of some of
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