By Jennifer Thompson
The PLO executive council met in Tunis from August 14-16 to discuss the partial redeployment document agreed at Taba by PLO Chairman Yassar Arafat and Israeli foreign minister Shimon Peres on August 11. Attended by ten of
A 150-strong delegation of students, farmers and workers visited the Indonesian national parliament on August 23 as part of launching a campaign for the repeal of five repressive political laws. The 1985 laws restrict political parties to the
As a Cuban I am very satisfied with Green Left Weekly. Firstly because it is a weekly that reflects objectively the social, political, economic and cultural situation in Cuba. Secondly because in the framework of the international movement it has
@FM18 WIDE = Surprise result in Victorian ETU
By Dave Mizon
Last week's election for the Victorian branch of the Electrical Trades Union, which replaced state secretary Gary Main and assistant secretary Dick Gray by the leaders of the
By Jennifer Thompson
The federal government on August 31 announced a two-month "cooling off" period before the sale of the publicly owned Australian National Line (ANL) to British-based multinational P&O. This is to allow P&O to reach agreement
There's always the dole "They wouldn't be working with me if they weren't happy." — Horse trainer Gai Waterhouse, replying to claims by the Australian Workers Union that her strappers and stable hands are paid below award
The Mexican government announced on August 14 that the country's gross domestic product fell by 10.5% in the second quarter of the year in comparison to the same period in 1994. This was about double the 5-6% contraction economists had predicted.
By Norm Dixon
South Africa's warm ties with Cuba are coming under increasing pressure from Washington as Pretoria makes preparations to open an embassy in Havana. Senior members of the US Congress have issued warnings to South Africa that close
SYDNEY — Death Defying Theatre is celebrating its move into a new home at the Casula Powerhouse with Hip Hopera — 12 weeks of workshops and rehearsals for young people in western Sydney. The program, beginning September 4, is free and open to
Privatisation is theft
Privatisation is theft By Dave Holmes
Throughout the western world, governments are engaged in a veritable orgy of privatisation of state assets and functions. In the poor and dependent countries of the Third World,
By Kerryn Williams
CANBERRA — A referendum is being held at the Australian National University September 4-6 on whether the Students Association should affiliate to the National Union of Students (NUS).
There have been two referenda on
By Norm Dixon
Zimbabwe Prime Minister Robert Mugabe has outraged supporters of human rights and gay and lesbian organisations with his refusal to allow a gay and lesbian group to participate in a book fair in Harare. More than 1000 demonstrators
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