By Kathryn Hamilton Kashmir has been a battle ground for too many years. The peaceful, friendly Kashmiri culture has been destroyed and can never be rebuilt. The only authority recognised is the gun. In a land where one death would have the valley
By Bill Mason BRISBANE — The battle over Australia's forests is set to erupt again with a Queensland company applying to the federal government for an annual licence to chip 140,000 tonnes of timber. Wilderness Society spokesperson Virginia Young
By Andrew Hall WOLLONGONG — There is a long and proud history of militant working class struggle in the Illawarra. The waterside workers, metalworkers and miners can claim much credit for winning many of the rights working people take for granted
'Gay right' debates strategy By Heidi Pegrem SYDNEY — There has been increasing debate in the gay and lesbian press here over how to relate to the Liberal federal government. Two conflicting right-wing positions have been prominent. Larry
US government documents declassified in April reveal that in 1961 US President John Kennedy pushed ahead with economic pressure and covert actions against Cuba despite the Cuban government's willingness to give in to the US on key points, according
By Bill Mason BRISBANE — The Queensland government's support for gun control could split the National Party, police minister Russell Cooper said on May 13. The warning came as Coalition MPs, including Cooper and Liberal leader Joan Sheldon, faced
By Eva Cheng On May 6, police in Kumi, in the southern province of Kyongsang, arrested 45 union activists of the Korea Textile Company following a violent clash two days earlier between 800 workers and riot police. The workers were reportedly
Police harassment I am writing as one of the many Brisbane Resistance members concerned about police harassment. Along with many other high school students, I attended the anti-uranium mining protest on April 26th. It was a lovely rally with about
By Rin Glenn PERTH — Forty workers from the Department of Minerals and Energy picketed their office on Adelaide Terrace on May 17. They began their strike after three weeks of work bans, all of which were organised by the Community and Public
By Jennifer Thompson According to Noam Chomsky's April 23 article, "Israel, Lebanon, and the 'Peace Process'", the day after Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres took office, the New York Times reported "approvingly" that Israeli war planes attacked
By Pip Hinman The Northern Territory Environment Centre (ECNT) and the Australian Conservation Foundation have condemned ERA's plans to mill uranium from the Jabiluka mine at Ranger. Speaking after a week-long visit to the Kakadu National Park, ACF
The Coalition government's industrial relations and shipping policies are particularly targeted at the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA). Howard and Reith want to reduce transport costs to business. More importantly, without the maritime union their