Panos ( — The web site of this London-based group provides a wealth of information about sustainable development and the environment. Panos defines its role as to produce information and strengthen the information
Save Medicare
SYDNEY — About 60 people attended a public meeting on August 3 organised by the Public Health and Hospitals Coalition in response to the Liberal government's proposed changes to Medicare. The meeting heard speakers from the
Activists plan education campaign
By Justin Randell
PERTH — More than 100 student activists from the National Organisation of Labor Students (NOLS — Labor left), Unity (Labor right), Resistance, Left Alliance, International Socialists,
Two short essays shared
By Brandon Astor Jones and Stephanie M. Wilkinson
"I once took for granted eating lunch with a friend, scratching my cat Muffet's ears and listening for his purrs, the company of my wife, reading a book or magazine in the
By Jennifer Thompson
"The revolutionary prisoners have won. All their demands are met. The prisoners in Eskisehir — 'the coffin' — will be moved to Umraniye, Istanbul. Now the ambulances are going into the jails to bring the prisoners to
By Daniel Kelly
Students and parents are worried that the federal budget will slash and further restrict student living allowances in 1997. The worst case scenario is the complete replacement of Austudy with a loans scheme similar to the Austudy
SULEIMAN ISAACS is an activist with the Cape Town-based Community Peace Foundation and a member of the African National Congress. He is a former union organiser, an early member of the United Democratic Front, and was a member of the Communist Party
By Reihana Mohideen
MANILA — The Ramos government has ordered the "neutralisation" of the "Lagman group", which it claims is out to sabotage the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, to be held here in November. Apparently a report
By Pip Hinman
A report commissioned by the federal environment department in 1994 has revealed that taxpayers are subsidising industries that damage the environment to the tune of $5.7 billion a year. Subsidies to the Use of Natural Resources sheds
By Gerry Harant
It's on again! In the run-up to the federal budget, ASIO is discovering sinister terrorists to justify its funding. Never mind how its much-publicised furphies stir up jingoism against Muslims; as far as ASIO is concerned, all
Counting the dead reds
A census (cacah jiwa) is the only practical way to get information on how many people there are in each part of a country, what they do and how they live.
Do not use tricks. Please answer all the questions for every person,
14 = WA students plan fight back
By Vaarunika Dharmapala
PERTH — Alarm at the federal government's proposed cuts to higher education funding has led to a dramatic increase in student activism in Perth. On August 7, students will join with
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