Towards US-style education By Marina Cameron If Howard's proposed HECS increases are passed, most Australian students will be facing fees higher than those charged at state universities in the United States. A four-year course in the US costs
This is the abridged and edited text of a speech by Marie Allen, chairperson of the Garrukjarru Regional Council, at the Gurindji Freedom Day celebration in Dagaragu on August 23, marking the 30th anniversary of the Wave Hill strike, when 200
By Steven Katsineris Ariel Sharon has re-entered the government of Israel. Sharon is minister of national infrastructure, which includes energy, land management, railways, roads, mines, water and settlement roads in what Israel calls the
Loves the jobless "The freedom to establish trade unions ... has no meaning if there are many unemployed in society." — The Prime Menzies, John Howard, either giving advice to or learning from his Indonesian host, the dictator Suharto.
Radio rehabilitation "Radio stations could be meaningful forces for rehabilitative change in the hearts, souls, minds and spirits of prisoners. These are perilous times ... and America needs a good deal more than music and commentary on her
By Cameron Lucadou-Wells and Sarah Stephen HOBART — On September 18 students claimed victory over Vice- Chancellor Don McNichol's plans to change the University of Tasmania's exam timetable. Students learned only hours beforehand of a meeting to
'Shame, Howard, shame' By Caroline Tapp and Sally Mitchell DARWIN — On September 13 more than 500 Aboriginal people marched for NAIDOC (National Aboriginal and Islander Day Observance Committee) Week shouting "Shame, Howard, shame". They were
y Marina Cameron A centerpiece of the federal government's youth unemployment strategy announced in the federal budget is a new labour market program called Green Corps, in which young people carry out environmental conservation and restoration
This weekend hundreds of Green Left supporters will be wining and dining for the future of the progressive press in Australia. Three Green Left Weekly annual dinners will be held on Saturday, September 28, to raise funds to keep the best
By Susan Barley SYDNEY — The Coalition government's proposed changes to public housing policy will be a disaster for this country's 370,000 public housing tenants (some 115,000 in NSW). Public tenants are some of the most vulnerable people in
By Rebecca Meckelburg The Maritime Union of Australia announced on September 18 that it has launched rolling bans on Indonesian cargo and shipping to protest against the arrests of independent labour leaders Muchtar Pakpahan and Dita Sari. The
By Paul Oboohov MELBOURNE — Last week, the National Delegates' Committee of the Community and Public Sector Union in the Department of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs met to discuss its response to the proposal by the Howard