ANKE HINTJENS recently returned from a visit to Goma in rebel-held eastern Zaire. I last visited Goma in 1993. This time I felt the difference immediately. Before, we didn't dare move around. There were roadblocks everywhere, with soldiers demanding
Left on line Free Roisin McAliskey! — Roisin is imprisoned in Holloway Prison, London, without formal charges and without bail. She awaiting a decision by the German government to seek her extradition. She is pregnant and has been
By Peter McGregor This article was written as a reply to a feature article by Tony Stephens in the April 10 Sydney Morning Herald. The Herald declined to publish it. Peter McGregor is one of the curators of Viet Nam Voices and a lecturer at the
Polish poster exhibition By Bronwen Beechey MELBOURNE — Polish posters are regarded as highly sophisticated works of art and are remarkable for their innovative design concepts, their spontaneity, simplicity and daring. From May 1 to June
Diminishing forests Once, half of the earth's landmass was covered with forests. Today, this cover has been reduced to one-third. A map of the world's forest cover, produced by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre and World Wide Fund for
By Zanny Begg BRISBANE —It is almost certain that a referendum on whether the University of Queensland should affiliate to the National Union of Students (NUS) will be put to students during May. How activists should approach this referendum
SUJATHA FERNANDES recently spent a year in India working with various women's groups and organisations. Following is an abridged version of her talk, sponsored by Green Left Weekly, to mark International Women's Day in Sydney. Last year cosmetic
Human ecology, human economyMark Diesendorf and Clive Hamilton (eds)Allen & Unwin, 1997. 378 pp., $35 Review by Allen Myers This book is primarily intended as "a text for undergraduate and graduate students in environmental studies, human and
Carla's SongDirected by Ken LoachWritten by Paul LavertyWith Robert Carlyle, Oyanka Cabezas, Scott GlennOpens May 1 Review by Neville Spencer Director Ken Loach has a reputation for consistently using his craft to promote struggles for
National stop-work meetings of Community and Public Sector Union members on April 23 decided on a week of two-hour rolling stoppages as a part of a campaign in defence of jobs and conditions proposed by the national management committee of the CPSU.
While sold to Australian tourists as a touch of Paris by the beach, Kanaky was seized by France only in 1853. In 1998 a referendum will be held, presenting voters with the choice of independence or continued French rule as the "French Overseas
By Therese Moore SYDNEY — Prime Minister John Howard (Australia's richest public housing tenant) will find himself the recipient of a symbolic demand for a $21,000 per week rent increase at noon on Sunday, May 11. The demand will be presented