Radiation studies find new dangers of disease By Bernard Wunsch Since the advent of nuclear technology, people have been concerned about the effects of radiation on humans. The dangers of high levels of radiation were horrifically shown after the
The Victory — (The Inside Story of the Takeover of Australia)By Pamela WilliamsAllen & Unwin, 1997, 370 pp., $24.95 (pb) Review by Melanie Sjoberg The Victory is a gripping tale of intrigue, dubious financial deals and dynamic interpersonal

The latest in Barbie-mania has hit the Australian airwaves. Now we have not only the Barbie house, the Barbie horse and the Barbie car, but also the Barbie song.

Bob Brown says more action needed on greenhouse By Jon Land John Howard has been strengthened in his push for non-binding targets for greenhouse gas emissions at the Kyoto summit in December, by the recent Commonwealth Heads of Government
By Chris Spindler SYDNEY — Green Left Weekly sellers have been visible most lunchtimes and afternoons in Town Hall tunnel (between the Queen Victoria Building and Town Hall station) for as many years as Green Left has been publishing. However,
Greenhouse rally planned in Adelaide Greenhouse rally planned in Adelaide ADELAIDE — A rally, march and bike ride are planned for the November 30 greenhouse national day of action. The bike ride is planned for 10:30 am, starting and finishing
Pasminco EZ stops dumping HOBART — Pasminco EZ dumped its last load of production waste, jarosite, off the continental shelf south of Hobart on October 29. For the last 23 years, the zinc smelting company, which operates on the banks of the
Problems with herbicide-tolerant cotton in US According to a report by the Center for Ethics and Toxics, farmers throughout the mid-south region of the US began experiencing problems with Roundup Ready cotton in August 1997 as cotton bolls began
Meeting debates protection of NSW national parks By Chris Spindler SYDNEY — The Carr Labor government is taking NSW national parks down the commercialisation road via its recently drafted "Access Strategy Plan". Up to 300 people attended a
Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Thursday, 10pm and Saturday, 7pm. Access News — Melbourne community
A coalition of more than 20 environment groups has written to federal and state environment ministers to oppose a move by the federal government to water down national air quality standards. The groups, including the Australian Conservation
Refugee right of appeal threatened By Jon Land The Howard government is preparing to restrict refugees' right of appeal with a bill to be put to parliament later this month. The migration bill will include a "privative clause", designed to make