Write on: Letters to the editor Referendum I am perturbed about "invisible ink" on thumbs of "those who have voted" in East Timor. How will the illiterate people vote? Signing a cross? In Nicaragua I thought they (the illiterate) voted by
Aborigines call for preamble to include their sovereignty Aborigines call for preamble to include sovereignty By James Vassilopoulos CANBERRA — The Aboriginal Tent Embassy on August 10 demanded that any preamble to the constitution recognise
CPSU tax section council debates 'second wave' By Ben Courtice MELBOURNE — The tax section council of the Community and Public Sector Union met from August 6 to 9. The main discussion was the campaign for a new enterprise agreement. The council
Sex and education By Brandon Astor Jones "These kids knew that what they were doing was ... not right, but they did ... [not] know it was as bad as it was ... There was a naivete about the legal and moral consequences." — Bill Myers, police
Gender roles for sale Feminism is no longer necessary. Little girls are being taught that they can do anything that little boys can. Little boys are taught that they don't have to be confined to stereotyped male behaviour or interests. The next
By Nick Fredman LISMORE — Friends of East Timor (FET) groups and supporters of Green Left Weekly in northern NSW have organised successful events in solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor. In Byron Bay on July 4, 120 people attended a screening
Until recently, the oceans seemed so vast that no-one could imagine humans damaging them. Now, however, a decade of scientific research has shown that this view is mistaken. Human activities are degrading the oceans in numerous ways. The dominant
By Doris On the third attempt we made it — a meeting with some of the women guerrilla fighters in East Timor. These women are part of Falintil, the resistance army that has been fighting for freedom in Timor Loro Sae (East Timor) since the
ACT teachers mobilise By Leigh Hughes CANBERRA — On August 11, more than 2000 teachers stopped work to discuss a new enterprise bargaining agreement. At the half-day meeting, attended by 85% of ACT teachers, the Australian Education Union
Megawati, Habibie and political alternatives By Max Lane JAKARTA — On July 29, Megawati Sukarnoputri addressed a select group of supporters at the national office of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P). The speech was to lay
Coalminers strike for workers' entitlements By Jonathan Singer Coalminers across Australia struck on August 13. The miners, all members of the mining division of the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union, were protesting government

JAKARTA — Shalar Kosi is the secretary general of the Socialist Party of Timor (PST). In an interview with Green Left Weekly, he stressed that the crucial question for socialists in East Timor is building bases among the people.