Reprinted below is the introduction which appeared in the first thing ever printed under Green Left's masthead, its "issue 0", January 1991. This special Green Left broadsheet has been produced as a response to the Gulf War. Coverage of the war by
BY ANTHONY BENBOW AND MELANIE SJOBERG  Workers employed at BHP operations in WA's Pilbara region must be feeling a bad sense of d‚j… vu. In January last year, they were forced to fight to defend their jobs and hard-won conditions when
BY ALISON DELLIT With its December 14 response to the final report of the Reference Group on Welfare Reform, the McClure report, the federal government has taken a giant step down its desired path of restructuring the entire welfare system. By
The Australian Manufacturing Workers Union launched its national "pattern bargaining" Campaign 2001 at rallies in Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide on December 6. Campaign 2001 is raising a set of demands for inclusion in enterprise agreements being
Best of all possible parliamentary worlds Look at that will ya? If you ask me they're a pack of vultures going on, baying at the heels of the pollies. — What are you on about? This thing that's happening to the Labor Party. It's tragic,
BY NORM DIXON On December 6, the Australian government released its long-awaited defence white paper, "Defence 2000 — Our Future Defence Force", to almost unanimous acclaim from ruling class commentators and the big business media's op-ed
The Democratic Socialist Party's 19th congress held January 3-7 unanimously endorsed the following statement in support of the Yallourn power workers. The DSP pledges its full support for the Yallourn power workers in their struggle to keep their
BY NINA LANSBURY Australian mining companies and the University of Tasmania are set to play an integral role in the mineral future of Chinese-occupied Tibet. The Tanjianshan gold deposit, lying within northern Tibet's Chokle Namgyal mountain range,
Castro 9, US 0 "Not including Mr [George "Dubya"] Bush, the 74-year-old Dr Castro has outlasted nine US presidents since coming to power in 1959, surviving not only assassination attempts inspired by Washington but also the abortive 1961 Bay of
Is marriage doomed in the 21st century? asks Jane Smiley in "Money marriage & monogamy", in the January 6 issue of the Sydney Morning Herald's lifestyle magazine, Good Weekend. Unlike anti-feminist Bettina Arndt's ravings which regularly grace the
REVIEW BY PHIL SHANNON Hitler's Pope: The Secret History of Pius XIIBy John CornwellPenguin430 pp, $22 (pb)The Catholic Church and Nazi GermanyBy Guenter LewyDa Capo Press416 pp, $38.95 (pb) If Pope John Paul II has his way, the next newly minted
Adelaide: January 25, 6:30pm.Cannon Poole Room, 5th Floor, Union Building, Adelaide Uni.Ph 8231 6982. Email <m1adelaide@start.com.au>. Brisbane: January 23, 6pm.Grassroots Centre, 237 Boundary St, West End. Darwin: February 1, 7pm9