Stuart Munckton & Roberto Jorquera On June 21, Venezuelan interior minister Jesse Chacon announced that Venezuelan security had uncovered a plot to assassinate President Hugo Chavez. He said the plot was linked to those who organised an

When Kuwaiti-born Palestinian refugee Aladdin Sisalem arrived in Melbourne on May 31, 2004, greeted by the glare of television cameras and the welcome of supporters, his emotions were tinged with a sense of triumph and relief.

SYDNEY — On June 9, refugee-rights activist Sunil Menon was committed to stand trial in August on a charge of aiding and abetting an Iranian asylum seeker to make a false statement in the course of obtaining an Australian passport. Rezai Mohsen
Zimbabwe I turn to GLW for alternative media, not repetition of the mainstream lies. You should divert your space to more serious African cases such as Equatorial Guinea, where almost 90% of oil revenue goes to foreign multinationals. Robert Mugabe
Norman Brewer, Bremen It took three things to trigger the historic and promising unity process between the Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS) and the Electoral Alternative for Jobs and Social Justice (WASG), which was formed through last year's
Expert opinion "In a News Ltd newspaper, Labor powerbroker Robert Ray labelled the frontbench a 'bunch of dills'." — Melbourne Age, June 21. Being a dill among a bunch of dills? "I think he's been doing a very good job in very difficult
On June 21, 200 people, representing 127 organisations, gathered at Malaysia's Parliament House to protest the proposed privatisation of the country's water supply management. Malaysia's ruling National Front party is rapidly privatising basic
Zimbabwean asylum seekers in detention centres across England launched a mass hunger strike on June 21, in an attempt to force the British government to stop deporting Zimbabwean asylum seekers. While, on June 23, foreign secretary Jack Straw
Ron Perkins, Perth Perth's Unions-WA organised June 30 protest rally against the federal government's proposed anti-worker industrial laws looks set to be the largest since unions mobilised against the state Coalition government's infamous "second"
Alex Miller On June 15, the Scottish Socialist Party (SSP) lodged a bill in the Scottish Parliament to require councils to provide free, nutritious meals to every Scottish schoolchild. The bill, lodged by SSP member of the Scottish parliament
Katie Cherrington The Bolivarian revolution in Venezuela, which is working to change the political and economic structures of Venezuelan society in favour of the poor majority, is also creating a mini-revolution in the nation's labour movement.
Mike Byrne With great fanfare, the new CEO of Telstra, Sol Trujillo, was announced to an expectant corporate audience on June 9. This would not be news in itself if it wasn't for the staggering $10 million remuneration package that accompanies the