The last time I spoke with long-time influential writer on Latin American politics Marta Harnecker was at the 2003 World Social Forum, where we talked of the "most important anti-neoliberal struggle in the world" unfolding

Since September 29, up to 1200 Sudanese refugees have been holding a sit-in near the UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) regional office in Cairo, demanding protection from forced repatriation and protesting poor conditions and human-rights

Pip Hinman, Sydney "It seems that the Howard government is happy to recognise same-sex partnerships to deny us our civil rights, but when it comes to extending rights, they exclude us", Community Action Against Homophobia (CAAH) spokesperson Rachel
Louay Alzaher Last month, "civilised" Britain troops revenged themselves on the police headquarters of Basra city, because the police had arrested two British commandos, disguised in traditional Iraqi dress, who had fired on Iraqi police, killing
Alex Bainbridge, Hobart After years of advocating for a bill to legalise brothels, the state government announced on October 5 that it would amend draft legislation to instead ban brothels outright. The new legislation was passed by Tasmania's
According to a new survey by Mossawa, the Advocacy Centre for Arab Citizens in Israel, 45% of Jewish Israelis oppose the decision to reopen the investigation into the October 2000 killing of 13 Israeli Arab citizens by Israeli police and military.
The recent announcement that the number of ASIO agents is to be doubled in the next five years has fuelled the growing sense of alarm many feel at the extremes to which the Howard government will go to silence voices of opposition to policies
Did you know that there are three major changes contained in these new industrial proposals? Did ya know that? — I estimated that maybe a cardinal figure of such numerate proportions was involved. There's three, see — one, two, three — 'tis
HOBART — Launceston City Council mayoral candidate Ted Sands has revealed that Boags, one of the two major breweries in Tasmania, pays the council only $50 a year for waste treatment, according to the October 18 Hobart Mercury. The company would
On October 28, 1916, a referendum was held to decide whether Australia should introduce conscription to aid Britain in its war with Germany. The Labor Prime Minister Billy Hughes had visited Britain in 1916 and was an enthusiastic supporter of
Anti-terrorism law In the Howard government's proposed anti-terrorism law, clauses in schedule 4 of the draft bill defines which family members could be contacted by someone in preventative detention and includes same-sex partners in the definition
SYDNEY - A Western Sydney Peace and Community Group public forum at Rooty Hill on October 17 explained how ordinary people will be affected by the federal government's proposed new "anti-terror" laws. Cameron Murphy from the NSW Council of Civil