Amy McDonell
You might remember, some two-and-a-half years ago, US President George Bush standing triumphantly on the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln, announcing the "end of major combat operations" in Iraq. According to Bush, Iraq was a free
Laws are being introduced in Victoria to allow children as young as 10 to be strip-searched in public by police of the opposite sex without the knowledge of the children's parents. The Terrorist (Community Protection) (Amendment) Bill 2005 will be
Kerryn Williams
On February 2, Venezuela's socialist president Hugo Chavez announced in a television speech that the US embassy's naval attache Captain John Correa was expelled from Venezuela. According to a February 3 report,
Kathy Newnam
More than 40 people gathered at the "Let's get seditious" forum at Groove Cafe on January 28, to hear from speakers challenging the federal Coalition government's new anti-sedition laws.
Anti-war campaigner Emma King spoke about the
ExxonMobil made some US$36 billion in 2005 — the largest profits ever recorded by a US corporation — generated at the expense of the environment, human rights and workers' rights around the world. The campaign has responded with
Papers Of a Dead Man7.30pm, Friday February 24Performance Space, Judith Wright Centre of Contemporary Arts420 Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley, BrisbanePhone bookings $19/$24, (07) 3872 9000 (noon-4pm, Mon-Fri)Online
Sarah Stephen, Sydney
On January 31, 47-year-old former Afghan diplomat Naqib Ahmed Noori was released from Villawood detention centre after six years and four months of imprisonment.
Noori, a former member of the People's Democratic Party of
Roger X& Emma Clancy
It must be a strange coincidence that PM John Howard feels the need to introduce laws that take away our rights to free speech and political dissent at the same time as his government is launching major attacks on the rights
Michael Ascroft, Melbourne
Just two days after a deliberately burned Australian flag was put on display above a Footscray street, it was seized by police. The flag was installed outside Trocadero Art Space for the exhibition Proudly unAustralian by
Doug Lorimer
In a study for the Pentagon, Andrew Krepinevich, a retired US Army officer, concluded that the US Army cannot sustain the pace of troop deployments to Iraq long enough to defeat the anti-occupation insurgency. He also suggested that
Jim Green, Adelaide
Friends of the Earth (FoE) is being relaunched in South Australia with a focus on promoting sustainable, socially and ecologically conscious technologies as an alternative to the nuclear industry.
FoE Adelaide will also be
Dale Mills
NSW Police has called for 3000 extra police over the next three years, part of a nation-wide attempt by police to gain more staff and more funding.
Australia's real recurrent spending on the police service was about $5.5 billion in
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