Around 450 delegates from some 35 indigenous communities, representing more than 500,000 people across Venezuela, met on March 24-26 for the Fifth National Congress of Indigenous Peoples.

Emma Clancy, Sydney Two 17-year-olds from Sutherland have been exploited by an unscrupulous boss in the building industry who owes them more than $10,000 each in unpaid wages, according to the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union's NSW
The number of trade union members in Australia rose by 70,000 in the 12 months before the federal government gained control of the Senate, according to an Australian Associated Press report on March 28. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
Sue Bolton, Melbourne At the 1800-strong Victorian union delegates' meeting on March 29, Australian Council of Trade Unions secretary Greg Combet talked about what sort of industrial relations policy the trade union movement should ask the Labor
Dale Mills A coalition of community and legal organisations has slammed the Australian government's decision on February 15 to declare the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) a terrorist organisation in Australia. The listing of the PKK as a terrorist
John Hepburn It turns out that size really does matter. Or to be more precise, it's the size of matter that matters. Scientists are now manipulating matter at the "nano" scale (one billionth of a metre) and finding that common materials are capable
By John Tomlinson From Pig Iron Bob to Yellow Cake Johnthe story's been the sameit's the rich who take the profitsand the poor who end up lame.Tycoons own the mining sharesthey own the rich ore lodethe poor just labour in the minesand tramp the
Ben Courtice, Melbourne PM John Howard is "Public Enemy No 1" and "we must get him out of office", Victorian Trades Hall Council (VTHC) secretary Brian Boyd told 1800 union delegates on March 29. Boyd announced the next union protests against
Kim Walker Beaumont died at the age of 62 on March 22 after a long battle with cancer. Many readers of Green Left Weekly will have known Kim and his partner Leon Harrison. Kim and Leon lived in Western Australia for many years and more recently
Graham Matthews, Sydney On March 23, Qantas closed its heavy maintenance facility at Mascot, making 480 workers redundant. While the company has promised that it will not outsource maintenance to China, the 140 extra jobs promised for Melbourne and
Art Resistance TV DVD Edition 11Email <artres@aussieisp.net.au>Single DVD $25 (includes postage and packing) BY NOREEN NAVIN The latest DVD featuring the work of Art Resistance Community TV has been released. The DVD includes M1: People
Max Lane Green Left Weekly will be organising the fourth Asia-Pacific International Solidarity Conference in Sydney over the 2007 Easter weekend (April 6-9). This will be five or six months before US President George Bush visits Australia for the