Murray Smith, Paris "The executive is in tatters, the ministers squabble, the [parliamentary] majority is rent by divisions". The quotation is not from one of the leaders of the mass movement against the CPE (First Employment Contract) that has
On April 4, people in 32 cities and towns in Wisconsin voted in referendums asking "Should the United States begin an immediate timed withdrawal of its troops from Iraq?" Twenty-four out of the 32 communities voted "yes", including seven which had
V for VendettaDirected by James McTeigueWritten & produced by Larry and Andy WachowskiWith Natalie Portman & Hugo Weaving V for VendettaCreated by Alan Moore and David LloydPublished by Vertigo Comics1988, Washington REVIEW BY ALISON DELLIT
Jim McIlroy and Coral Wynter, Caracas "One important idea that [Venezuelan President Hugo] Chavez had was to give power to the poor people. In the classic fight between the classes, the rich people have all the money and control of the government.
Chris Peterson, Melbourne The Terminate Tulla Toxic Dump Action Group (TTTDAG) is having some success in their campaign to get the dangerous toxic dump, close to residents and the Tullamarine airport, closed down. While they are yet to get
Dave Riley, Brisbane On April 7, 2000 trade unionists gathered in the Roma Street Forum to protest against the Howard government's Work Choices laws and to hear a report from the Light the Fuse workers' rights tour that had been organised by the
Gregory Wilpert, Caracas Venezuela's state-owned oil company PDVSA took over seven oil fields in early April, which were previously run by foreign oil companies. Five of these fields were ceded to PDVSA intentionally and the others — one run by
Jim Green From the corporate media reports of the uranium export agreement struck between Canberra and Beijing last week, you could be forgiven for not knowing that China need not subject a single gram of Australian uranium to safeguards
CANBERRA — One-hundred-and-fifty people demonstrated here on April 8 in support of a bill proposed by ACT Chief Minister Jon Stanhope that would give same-sex couples access to civil unions. After a noisy march through the city amid a sea of
ARMIDALE — Ten people joined an April 6 protest against Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry CEO Peter Hendy, called by Unions Armidale. Hendy had been invited by the local Liberal Party branch to talk about the "merits" of the Work Choices
The Cuban Revolution and Venezuela and Barrio Adentro and Other Social Missions in the Bolivarian revolutionBy German SanchezOcean Press, 200633 pages REVIEW BY EMMA CLANCY German Sanchez, Cuban ambassador to Venezuela since 1994, offers the
Doug Lorimer US officials claim that they will withdraw their occupation troops from Iraq as soon as the US-recruited and trained Iraqi army is capable of fighting and defeating the anti-occupation resistance movement. But the Pentagon is spending