The near-meltdown of a nuclear reactor at Three Mile Island in the US in 1979 remains a major warning of the danger of nuclear power generation. What makes an industrial accident involving a nuclear power plant so much more dangerous

REVIEW BY TOM CRUMPACKER Fightback: A Collection of Socialist EssaysBy Sylvia WeinsteinSocialist Viewpoint Publishing, 2003358 pages, US$ 25.00 (pb)Order from 1380 Valencia St, San Francisco, CA 94110Send cheque for US$25.00 + 5.95, shipping and
Enemy Combatant, A British Muslim's Journey to Guantanamo and BackBy Moazzam Begg with Victoria BrittainFree Press, 2006395 pages, $34.95 REVIEW BY BARRY HEALY After the suicide of three inmates of the Guantanamo Bay concentration camp on June
Coral Wynter & Jim McIlroy, Caracas The June 20 Diario Vea reported that more than 4000 campesinos (peasants) marched in the town of Guasdualito, in Apure state, near the border with Colombia. The protesters alleged that right-wing paramilitaries
Colin Mitchell, Melbourne On June 14, 13 men who were arrested in sensationalised raids in Melbourne in November and March appeared in court and were charged with belonging to an unnamed terrorist organisation and donating money to that
According to an opinion poll conducted by Hart/McInturff on June 9-12 for the Wall Street Journal and NBC TV News, 52% of US adults think removing Iraq's Saddam Hussein from power was not worth the number of US military casualties and the financial
Graham Matthews "We can win this", Tim Gooden, secretary of the Geelong and Region Trades Hall Council, told Green Left Weekly, referring to the campaign against Work Choices. "We've always had bad laws and history shows we can win if we take
Jim McIlroy & Coral Wynter, Caracas During its April-May tour of Venezuela, an Australian trade union brigade organised by the Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network visited the Invepal paper plant at Moron, west of Caracas. After the owners
Art Resistance TV, edition 14Produced by Art ResistanceSingle DVD $25, or by subscriptionemail <artres@aussieisp.net.au> REVIEW BY JILL HICKSON The latest DVD release from Art Resistance contains four programs. The first features
Message Stick: Glenn Skuthorpe — Inside the lives and characters of Indigenous Australians across the country, presented in their own voices. ABC, Friday, June 30, 6.04pm. The Chaser's War on Everything — Confronting and lampooning key players
Pablo Stefanoni, La Paz Only a few days out from the July 2 constituent assembly elections and referendum on regional autonomy, the focus of Bolivia's electoral campaign was not any of the candidates — most of them practically unknown to voters
Peter Boyle Occasionally the innocent casualties of war are given a human face. And it is shocking — sometimes so shocking it can help stop a war. Last week, in a blogsite (no longer online) by a Cuban doctor serving in East Timor, there was a