According to the July 15 London Guardian, "No individual police officers involved in the shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes will face prosecution over his death. The Crown Prosecution Service has ruled out murder or manslaughter charges after a
SYDNEY — On July 12, 100 people picketed John Howard as he arrived to address a meeting in the Blacktown Workers Club. The action, organised by Unions NSW to protest against the Work Choices laws, was attended by members of the Construction,
Most of Papua New Guinea's 37,000 teachers have embarked on an indefinite strike over a pay dispute. According to the July 11 Post-Courier, Papua New Guinea Teachers Association president Tommy Hecko said that some 25,000 teachers are not receiving
Avelino Coelho da Silva, Dili The conflict that arose recently in Timor Leste has caused more suffering for the nation's poor people, confronting them with an uncertain economic and political future. This conflict need not have happened if all
Caetano Veloso — Musicians Caetano Veloso and Gilberto Gil express their views on the racial problems in Brazil and how music has been a way for them to implement changes in society. SBS, Saturday, July 22, 2.25pm. Fond Memories of Cuba — David
Clayton McDonald, Sydney There are 800,000 children under 14 years of age in Gaza, and the sonic booms being deliberately created by low-flying Israeli military aircraft are inflicting psychological damage on these children, Dr Bernard Sabella, a
Lara Pullin "I'm letting you know they have killed my parents ... I don't know exactly at what hour but it was early this morning ... you are my only family now, and we can't rest until justice is done." On the morning of July 1, members of the
Alex Milne, Melbourne Helen Caldicott's book Nuclear Power is not the Answer to Global Warming or Anything Else was launched at Trades Hall on June 3. Speaking with her were Hillel Freedman from Nuclear Free Australia, former Nuclear Disarmament
Kerry Smith, Sydney On July 14, the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) announced that Lucas Heights would be given an operating licence for its new reactor. The decision will allow the Australian Nuclear Science
On July 10, Samsul Bahri, the chairperson of the Centre for Information on Aceh Referendum (SIRA) in the Tamiang region, and Saharuddin, SIRA chairperson in the Blang Pidie region, were arrested by security officers and taken to the police
The following is abridged from a July 6 blog entry by Lama Hourani, the coordinator of the Palestinian Working Women Society for Development in Gaza. Hanan, a field educator in our organisation, lives in the northern area of Gaza City. A beautiful,
Coral Wynter & Jim McIlroy, Caracas Merida is a lovely city located high in the Andes. It is a famous resort, well-known to tourists. On the afternoon of June 21 students were watching a game of football on the TV set in the cafeteria of the