In response to the bombing of seven trains in Mumbai on July 11, which killed some 200 people and wounded hundreds more, the Communist Party of India (Marxist Leninist) made the following statement. The CPI(ML) condemns in the strongest words the
John Hallam Since the first two times nuclear weapons were used to destroy cities 60 years ago, no further use has been made of them. Though it has nearly been broken a number of times, a "taboo" has existed against their use because the
Eva Cheng On July 12, rebel legislator "Long Hair" Leung Kwok-hung and fellow pro-democracy activist Koo Sze-yiu won a partial victory against the Hong Kong government in the Court of Final Appeal, and were awarded their legal costs for the case.
We note your work against the new industrial laws in Australia, the recent high-school walkouts, the campaign in solidarity with the Venezuelan revolution, against the war in Iraq and in support of the Socialist Alliance. Green Left Weekly has
Ten CanoesWritten by Rolf de Heer and the people of RaminginingCo-directed by Peter Djigirr and Rolf de HeerScreening nationally at selected cinemas REVIEW BY LACHLAN MALLOCH "We come from this land. People, Balanda [white people], always come,
Reconstruction I "We are passing through a phase marked by unprecedented chaos and corruption in government ranks." — Iraqi planning minister Ali Khalib Baban, quoted in the June 20 Baghdad Azzaman daily. Reconstruction II "RAMADI, Iraq, July
Zoe Kenny, Sydney Gilda Chacon, representing the Cuban Federation of Workers (CTC), told the 35th Resistance national conference on July 9 that youth are central to the revolution in Cuba. "They are the generation who have to continue defending it,
Ian Jamieson, Fremantle In an unprecedented and alarming move, 107 construction workers employed on the Leighton Kumagai consortium's $1.5-billion Perth to Mandurah railway line project were issued with writs on July 5 that could result in them
Katarina Pujiastuti The spirit of unity filled the air as democratic organisations agreed to build a Party of National Liberation Unity (KP-PAPERNAS). Trade unions, student organisations, progressive political parties and poor people's
On June 24, draft legislation was presented to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress — China's rubber-stamp law-making body — that would require reporters to ask for official permission before reporting on incidents of
Ron Perkins, Perth John Pes has become the public face of the 107 Western Australian construction workers who have been threatened with fines of up to $28,600 after taking strike action on the Leighton Kumagai-run Perth to Mandurah rail
Sue Bull, Geelong On July 5, unionists at the University of Ballarat voted to accept a new collective agreement. The agreement is the result of a long fight led by the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) against the university and the