The article below is a August 27 statement by the Australian Tamil Congress. Media contact: Dr. Sam Pari – 0433 428 967
This article is from the Australian-Venezuela Solidarity Network broadsheet, published as a supplement in Green Left Weekly 808. Daniel Sanchez and Yoly Fernandez will be addressing public forums around Australia in their ``People’s power speaking tour’’ during August and September. Visit the AVSN site for details.
The current issue of Green Left Weekly, #808, is a two-week issue. The next edition will be dated September 9.
Last week, Seran Sribalan and Vishna Sivaraj finished a grueling 300 kilometre walk from Sydney to Canberra in a bid to focus attention on the plight of Tamils still trapped in concentration camps in Sri Lanka's north and east.
This article is from the Australian-Venezuela Solidarity Network broadsheet, published as a supplement in Green Left Weekly 808.
This article is from the Australian-Venezuela Solidarity Network broadsheet, published as a supplement in Green Left Weekly 808.
This article is from the Australian-Venezuela Solidarity Network broadsheet, published as a supplement in Green Left Weekly 808.
Tales from a Suitcase — Anne Duffy-Lindsay grew up in a radical IRA family in southern Ireland. Upon arriving in Australia in the early 1950s, she took up the communist cause. SBS1, Tuesday August 25th, 2.30pm. Costa's Garden Odyssey — Takes a
Happy days are here again for super-bank Goldman Sachs.
Federal parliament passed a renewable energy bill on August 20. The target is to source 20% of Australia’s energy from renewables by 2020. The reality is that it won’t do what Prime Minister Kevin Rudd says it will.
Unions NSW unveiled its “Better Services for a Better State” campaign at a seminar for public sector union delegates and Your Rights at Work activists in Parramatta on August 20.
August 21 was a nice day to be out on Sydney harbour with my best friend. But we were at Circular Quay not to go on a romantic ferry ride but to protest against the planned privatisation of Sydney ferries by the NSW Labor government.