The article below is a August 27 statement by the Australian Tamil Congress. Media contact: Dr. Sam Pari – 0433 428 967
This article is from the Australian-Venezuela Solidarity Network broadsheet, published as a supplement in Green Left Weekly 808.
This article is from the Australian-Venezuela Solidarity Network broadsheet, published as a supplement in Green Left Weekly 808.
This article is from the Australian-Venezuela Solidarity Network broadsheet, published as a supplement in Green Left Weekly 808. Daniel Sanchez and Yoly Fernandez will be addressing public forums around Australia in their ``People’s power speaking tour’’ during August and September. Visit the AVSN site for details.
The current issue of Green Left Weekly, #808, is a two-week issue. The next edition will be dated September 9.
Last week, Seran Sribalan and Vishna Sivaraj finished a grueling 300 kilometre walk from Sydney to Canberra in a bid to focus attention on the plight of Tamils still trapped in concentration camps in Sri Lanka's north and east.
This article is from the Australian-Venezuela Solidarity Network broadsheet, published as a supplement in Green Left Weekly 808.
Dare the ALP gaol Adelaide building worker, Ark Tribe? Tribe’s refusal to attend a secret hearing of the Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC — aka the “Construction Stasi” because of its secret police-type powers) renders him liable to six months in prison or a fine of $22,000.
A typically dusty drive 25 kilometres south of central Australia’s Alice Springs brings you to an unlocked gate beside the old Ghan railway line.
Methane is one of the most potent greenhouse gases. In the atmosphere it has a warming effect more than 20 times that of carbon dioxide.
Rethink AfghanistanDirected by Robert GreenwaldDVD for sale in October, visit www.rethinkafghanistan.com
Family First Senator Steve Fielding returned from a US international climate deniers' conference in June, armed with a shonky graph and some dodgy questions.