On July 12 Harold Thomas and the rest of Aboriginal Australia celebrated the 20th birthday of the National Aboriginal Flag, the red, black and gold banner that has unified support for Aboriginal people here and around the world. Harold —
Stop press "Despite the corporate disasters of the past few years, Malcolm Fraser's 1983 claim that Australians would be better off putting their money under the bed if a Labor government came to power has not proved to be correct." — Max Walsh in
Unemployed Workers' Union formed By James Basle SYDNEY — With more than one in four young people out of work and the federal Labor government attacking the rights of unemployed people through schemes such as Newstart, unemployed people in
By Peter Annear BUDAPEST — "If the coup had not happened, Boris Yeltsin would have had to invent it", according to prominent Hungarian Sovietologist Tamas Krausz. In an interview with Green Left Weekly, Krausz also pointed to what he considers
By Ian Bolas LONDON — Three thousand people marched here on August 10 to mark the 20th anniversary of internment without trial in Northern Ireland. The march also commemorated the deaths 10 years ago of Bobby Sands and nine other Irish
Environment Independents launch campaign By Tracy Sorensen SYDNEY — Independent members of state parliament Dr Peter MacDonald (Manly) and Clover Moore (Bligh) on September 1 launched the campaign for the Waverley Environment Independents team
By Kevin Healy A shattering week, because my unflappable faith in the sanctity of market forces and initiative was somewhat flapped. A Spencer Street Foul Facts/Sore Wick poll showed that 54% of True Blue Aussies With the Big Red Heart don't
By Sean Magill A recent letter from Belfast to Australian Aid for Ireland reveals something of the entrenched bigotry and sectarianism of Unionist politicians. Written by Mairtin O'Muilleior, a Sinn Fein councillor, it describes Sinn Fein
By Andrey Nikovor The Ukrainian parliament declared independence on August 24 with 346 deputies in favour and only one opposed. The declaration, signed by the President Leonid Krawchuk, is subject to a referendum to be held on December 1. The
Dump a 'toxic bomb': Serventy By Bill Mason BRISBANE — Opposition to the Queensland government's proposed toxic waste dump at Gulrulmundi is growing as the dangers involved become clearer to local residents and conservationists. Prominent
By Kim Spurway Visiting Hours Written by Felix Mitterer Directed by David Ritchie With Gertrude Ingeborg and Barry Jones Belvoir Theatre, Sydney, to September 15 Reviewed by Kim Spurway Visiting Hours is a funny and compassionate look at
Newstart appeals An article on Newstart in our in our July 3 issue stated that appeals against activity agreements could be submitted to the Social Security Appeal Tribunal in Canberra. In fact, there is a separate tribunal for each state and