The honeymoon, if there was one, is over for Northern Territory Chief Minister Lia Finocchiaro. Suzanne James reports on the growing pushback against her riding roughshod over democracy.
NT Country Liberal Party
Frontline workers in the Northern Territory are pushing back against the Country-Liberal Party’s destructive “tough on crime” policies. Stephen W Enciso reports.
Northern Territory Courts cut the after-hours bail service, creating more danger, particularly for minors. Stephen W Enciso reports on the community push-back.
The NT Country Liberal Party has contracted the controversial private British-Danish security firm G4S to provide “much-needed relief” in the corrections system. Stephen W Enciso reports.
The Northern Territory’s Country Liberal Party is moving fast, in a Trumpian direction, to ride roughshod over the environment and peoples’ livelihoods. Stephen W Enciso reports.
The NT Country Liberal Party has appointed a Territory Coordinator even before a law has been passed detailing their brief and powers. However, as Stephen W Enciso reports, it is clear what the CLP’s intent is.